Catholic education includes reaching out into the community to spread the Faith to any family looking for a private, Catholic school. Sometimes, those who are interested have limited financial means, so please consider donating to help Regina Coeli continue to provide this to our families and neighbors.
Planned Giving
Regina Coeli also offers EFT (Electronic Funds Tranfer) to make your contribution gifts monthly straight from your bank account. No more worrying to remember your checkbook for Mass. Contact the parish office for more details.
Endowment Giving
The Regina Coeli Endowment Fund is another way to support the school and provides a source of funding for needed school improvements. Please consider a gift to this valuable fund or a memorial gift for loved ones who have passed in their honor.
Mass Offering
Registered parishioners of Regina Coeli are given numbered envelopes to contribute to the parish. A portion of these contributions help to fund the school building, utilities, salaries, benefits, and supplies for the school. Anything you can contribute is welcome to help us continue to deliver Catholic education in Toledo.

Contact the Parish Office:
530 Regina Pkwy.
Toledo, OH 43612
419-476-0922 Phone